• Return to In-Person Instruction Plan



    Survey Results

    Question 1: Select your stakeholder category. Please select all that apply:


    1. Auxiliary Staff
    2. Civil Rights Organization
    3. Non-Profit After School Provider
    4. Para-Professional Staff
    5. Parent/Family
    6. Principal or School Leader
    7. Stakeholders representing the interest of children with disabilities, English learners, children experiencing homelessness, migratory students, children who are incarcerated, children enrolled in after school and summer programs, and other underserved students
    8. Student
    9. Teacher
    10. Other School Personnel
    11. 精选麻豆二区 Business Owner
    12. CTE Course Provider for EMT

    Question 1


    Question 2: From your perspective, what are the top issues currently facing students in our district during the COVID-19 pandemic? (Check all that apply)


    1. Child Care
    2. Child Nutrition
    3. COVID-19 Prevention
    4. Remote Instruction
    5. School Closure
    6. Social Emotional Concerns
    7. Students kept at home due to restricitons
    8. Students kept at home due to health concerns
    9. Transportation
    10. Technology Resources
    11. Healthcare support
    12. Regression in all areas of devlopment due to lack of school

    Question 2


    Question 3: In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges we face in accelerating student learning due to the COVID-19 Pandemic? (Check all that apply)


    1. Extended learning opportunities (after school, summer school)
    2. Independent Learning
    3. Parent engagement (how to support daily learning experiences)
    4. Student Engagement
    5. Providing tutoring before and after school
    6. Technology access at home
    7. Providing safe situations for students
    8. Class Sizes
    9. Staff to provide intensive accelerated instruction

    Other: We need more parent and student engagement. A large part of our demographics are made up of students who don't plan on attending a college. They plan to join the workforce and are eager to do so, therefore,  they don't see the need for a high school diploma and are quick to consider dropping out. Or,  a major issue I see is that the students have realized that they don't have to complete their regular coursework. They can just wait until summer school and make up numerous credits in a few days time. I think this is terrible. It diminishes the teachers ability to keep students engaged when students don't see a need for it.Question 3


    Question 4: What do you believe are the highest priority needs (academic, social, emotional, and/or mental health, etc.) for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year and for the 2021-2022 school year related to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic? (Check all that apply)


    1. Academic
    2. Co-curricular activities
    3. COVID prevention and testing
    4. Extracurricular activities
    5. Mental health concerns
    6. Regaining credits to graduate
    7. Social emotional support
    8. Fill in 1: help bridge academic gaps caused by the pandemic
    9. Fill in 2: class sizes will have a huge impact on learning. Smaller classes will enable teacher to meet SEL and academic concerns.
    10. Fill in 3: While I believe that social and emotional support is very important, I have concerns about where we are headed if we continue to adopt the responsibility of teaching mental, social and emotional learning verses keeping the focus on academics, leadership and team building skills. Schools are comprised of a large amount of teachers who are trained to teach academics and only a SMALL amount of counselors who aren't even afforded the time needed to counsel, but rather meet other deadlines related to credits and academic completions. 
    11. Fill in 4: teaching students to be accountable for their INACTIONS
    12. Fill in 5: parent support efforts

     Question 4


    Question 5: What strategies have been most effective in supporting the needs of students in 精选麻豆二区 ISD during the COVID-19 pandemic? (Check all that apply)


    1. Availability of digital learning resources
    2. Availability of school supplies on campus
    3. Availability of sanitizing products
    4. Child nutrition services
    5. Counseling
    6. COVID prevention
    7. Learning management system (LMS) - Canvas
    8. Teachers
    9. Fill in 1: I would love to say that by providing digital learning resources, our students were able to meet their academic requirements from home, however, I don't know if that were the case based on numbers. I would venture to say that even though resources were provided, a large number of students failed due to little to no parent engagement or discipline to staty structured and diligent in their coursework. So much time was required of school staff to reach out to the students numerous times without good results.
    10. Fill in 2: adapting to the needs of children; developing students' multiple intelligences
    11. Fill in 3: support was very poor for remote HS learners

    Question 5


    Question 6: Beyond the traditional school day, which types of programs do you believe 精选麻豆二区 ISD should consider to accelerate student learning? (Check all that apply)


    1. Afterschool programs
    2. Blended learning
    3. Small groups during the school day
    4. Summer learning programs
    5. Tutoring
    6. Class sizes
    7. Summer enrichment
    8. Fill in 1: extra support for teachers to meet the academic needs of those students struggling and who have gaps gaps.
    9. Fill in 2: I believe after a long day of school, afterschool programs should be avoided.
    10. Fill in 3: students are given ample class time for instruction and engagement. If a student is struggling I beleive that tutoring is a great idea. I beleive that summer school has been taken advantage of and should only be offered in specific cases where a student was committed to the learning process but unfortunately fell short based on inability to successfully learn the material rather than laziness and little to no attempt to learn the material. 
    11. Fill in 4: hire more teachers so classrooms are with less students and teacher can actually help student that need that extra help.
    12. Fill in 5: parent support programs with community resources

    Question 5


    Question 7: What data sources are being used to determine the impact of lost instructional time for students? (Check all that apply)


    1. Class assignments
    2. Curriculum-based assessments
    3. Informal assessments
    4. Social/Emotional student surveys
    5. State assessments
    6. Teacher observations
    7. Universal screeners (TXKEA, I-Station, TPRI, etc.)

    Question 7


    Question 8: When addressing the needs of students with disabilities resulting from the loss of services related to COVID-19, we recognize there are many possible supports. Of the four options listed below, what should the district prioritize?


    1. Additiona support to implement compensatory services
    2. Direct support to parents
    3. Training for parents
    4. Training for teachers and staff
    5. Smaller classes

    Question 8


    Question 9: When addressing the academic needs of English Learners (EL) resulting from the loss of services related to COVID-19, what supports do you recognize having the most potential to impact learning loss? With the options below, what two do you think the district should optimize? (Choose two)


    1. Enhanced EL teacher professional development
    2. Monitor language growth through local assessments
    3. Supplemental language materials to address language loss
    4. Provide paraprofessionals EL professional development
    5. Provide small group instruction

    Question 9