Department Focus

  • The Federal Grants department oversees federal grant awards, competitive grant awards and state compensatory funds. The main focus of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Consolidated Grant is to work with at-risk students who need additional assistance in passing the state assessments. Additionally, this department oversees compliance with the spending of federal and state allotment funds.

    Federal Title Funding

    Federal Title funding supports:

    • Parent involvement to increase communication with parents regarding services available to students who are struggling; teachers demonstrate ways parents can help kids at home. Together, parents and teachers work as a team to help kids be successful students.
    • Instructional coaches for teachers who provide support to students who are struggling and additional teaching strategies to grade level teachers, teacher training, as well as supplies and materials. Instructional coaches are used for regular and dual language classrooms. Supplemental professional development for teachers and administrators is a focus for Title-funded campuses.
    • Additional support by providing an instructional aide to prepare and monitor materials for classroom instruction by the content teacher and to work with students in small groups. Supplemental supplies for the classroom and testing materials are also paid for with Title funds.

    Title I Part A

    (Qualifying schools)

    This funding provides supplemental resources to help schools with high concentrations of students from low-income families provide a high-quality education that will enable all children to meet or exceed the state’s student performance standards.

    Title II Part A

    This funding provides supplemental resources to improve student achievement through elevating teacher and principal quality through recruitment, hiring, and retention strategies and to increase the number of highly qualified teachers in the classroom and highly qualified administrators in schools.

    Title III EL and IMM

    This funding provides supplemental resources to schools to ensure that students who are Limited English Proficient attain English proficiency at high levels and/or students who are new immigrants (IMM) to the country have the needed support in core academic subjects to meet or exceed state-mandated achievement performance standards.

    Title IV

    This funding provides supplemental resources to support well-rounded educational activities, promote safe and healthy students, and provide effective use of technology in the classroom.

    Translation policy available upon request. 

Additional Federal Grants

    • ARP-ESSER III Grant
    • ARP Homeless TEHCY Supplemental Grant
    • CRRSA-ESSER II Grant
    • ESSER I Grant
    • RESTART Grant
    • Texas Education for Homeless Children (TEHCY) Continuation
    • Texas School Ready Grant

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