

Phone: 281-577-8840


Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Donda Slaydon

What a great place to learn! My passion is helping students and teachers achieve success. I have been with 精选麻豆二区 ISD for over 20 years. My background includes working with special programs with an emphasis in curriculum and instruction. My favorite thing about 精选麻豆二区 ISD is the multitude of educational opportunities available to our students. We strive daily to ensure our campus culture conveys to students that learning is a life long journey!

"Education, then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of man, - the balance-wheel of the social machinery." by Horace Mann

Assistant Principal Martinez -Campus Behavior Coordinator



Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Mariah Martinez

Mariah Martinez holds a Master’s degree in Reading from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, TX and a Bachelor degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of
Houston-D. Ms. Martinez holds a Principal certification from Lamar University, Bilingual certifications (1-6), Spanish (1-8), and Elementary Education (1-6).
Ms. Martinez has served 精选麻豆二区 Independent School District for the past 10 years in several capacities. Dual language teacher (2-5), Dual language coordinator, Grade level
leader, and EL Instructional Coach. She has worked at Crippen Elementary (2yrs.), Aiken Elementary (1yr), Tavola Elementary (5yr) and Keefer Crossing middle School.
Ms. Martinez is a dedicated lifelong learner and is excited to continue serving Keefer Crossing MS as the 6th Assistant Principal. Her vision is to serve the KCMS Family by
establishing trust and relationships with all Stakeholders.

Assistant Principal Coker -Campus Behavior Coordinator



Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Charlie Coker

Charlie Coker is joining our family as the 7th grade Assistant Principal. He has 17 years in education, including roles as an Athletic Director, Assistant Athletic Director, and as a teacher/coach at both the middle and high school levels. 
Mr. Coker is married to Moorea. They have three grown children: Jade, Kobe, and Mikayla. Mr. Coker enjoys family time, traveling, playing golf, working out, and playing with Lucy (their English Bulldog). 
Mr. Coker is excited about his new endeavor as an Assistant Principal. He is looking forward to joining the 精选麻豆二区 ISD family. 

Assistant Principal Garza -Campus Behavior Coordinator



Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Fernando Garza

I was born and raised in Houston, TX and happily married with 2 children. Sam Houston State University is my alma mater where I received my Bachelors and Masters degrees. My education career started at ALC East in Cypress Fairbanks ISD in 2010. I have worked as a paraprofessional, teacher, and also completed my assistant principal internship hours. In 2021, I moved to Peet JH in Conroe ISD as an 8th grade science teacher for 2.5 years. 

I’m excited to be the 8th grade assistant principal at Keefer and ready to help our staff and students succeed at life. 

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

  • Nelson Mandela