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NCISD is now using Remind!

What is Remind?

精选麻豆二区 ISD is now using Remind for school and class messaging and voice calls. This means you will receive text messages, emails, and calls from your child’s teachers or school are being delivered via Remind to the contact information currently in Skyward. 

How do I use the Remind app?

If you would like to use the Remind app to receive these messages, you can also download the app for free by searching for Remind in your app store or .

What if I’m not receiving Remind messages? How can I update my contact information?

If you aren’t receiving messages or need to update where you are receiving messages, be sure your child’s school has your current contact information (phone numbers, email addresses, and mailing address). To update your contact information please contact the secretary at your child’s school and provide the new contact information. You can also manage your notification preference if you are logged into the or using the Remind app by following .

 How do voice calls in Remind work?

Voice calls from your child’s teachers will come from a Remind number. This number will remain the same each time the teacher calls, so please save this number in your phone under the teacher’s name. For more information on Remind voice calls, see .