White Oak Orchestra

  • Beginning Orchestra

    This is a class for 6th or 7th graders that teaches students the basics of how to read music and how to play one of the four stringed instruments of the orchestra – violin, viola, cello, or string bass. Students do not need to have any previous musical knowledge, although it is helpful if they do. Students will need their own instrument. The school has a limited number of instruments for students that are not able to rent or buy their own. The beginning class will perform at a concert in December and in May.


    Advanced Orchestra

    This is for 7th and 8th grade students that have at least one year of experience in orchestra. Students will increase their knowledge and skills based on what they learned in beginning orchestra. The advanced orchestra will play at a concert each nine weeks, as well as participate in UIL contest in February. Students must be able to play the concert music and sight read at a high level to go to UIL contest.
orchestra students playing violin

Orchestra Director