


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Trish Beal

Howdy! I am the proud principal of Infinity Early College High School. Formerly the founding counselor, I feel very connected and invested in each one of our students. I believe that every student that attends IECHS has an opportunity of a lifetime to change their world. IECHS is a special place that offers emotional support while growing independent learners. It is also my belief that every student can walk out of this high school with two degrees: a high school diploma and an Associates of Arts/Science from LSC-KW. Our students must come prepared to work and take care of business.

Personally, I am a proud Fightn' Texas Aggie c/o '93 and believe in all things Texas A & M. "Tradition" brings people together! At IECHS, we will practice many traditions, because we are building a sense of family and academic rapport. I am a huge animal lover and a lot of my time is spent working on IECHS projects next to my two amazing rescue pups. I love my family and extended family, as they have been huge supporters in my career. I believe that laughter is the best medicine and find time with family, friends, co-workers and students to experience big belly laughs.

I am blessed to be an Infinity Knight, and I absolutely love my job! Come capture the spirit; it is happening here...everyday!

I would be remiss if I did not mention the amazing staff found on this campus. In my 29 years of education, I have never been more excited about going to work and seeing the same people, every day, for eight plus hours a day. They bring me joy because they "show-up" with a smile on their face, love our students, take pride in their job, and go above and beyond what their job requires of them. They are "doers" You can't beat that! They all take care of business!

#TCOB & Gig'em,
Ms. Beal

Assistant Principal/Campus Behavior Coordinator



Degrees and Certifications:

Master of Education in Educational Administration and Master of Education in School Counseling

Ms. Erica Sykes

I am honored and proud to serve as the Assistant Principal of Infinity Early College High School. I completed my undergraduate work at Sam Houston State University, and continued my graduate studies at Lamar University where I obtained the following degrees: Master of Education in Educational Administration and Master of Education in School Counseling. I consider myself a lifelong learner. Education is a powerful force! It can break barriers, unleash potential, and transform lives.

I began my career in education 20 years ago as an 8th grade English teacher at Keefer Crossing Middle School. NCISD believes in growing leaders. Prior to working at IECHS, I was able to develop my leadership skills. Before becoming an Assistant Principal, I served as a Master Teacher/Instructional Coach at KCMS. I consider it a privilege to lead with a servant’s heart. I am known as the “Encouraging Educator” who understands the importance of making connections and building relationships.

Personally, I was raised in the Coldspring area. I am a proud graduate of Coldspring High School. In my spare time I enjoy reading, writing, shopping, and singing. I love spending time with my wonderful family and participating in various church activities.

IECHS is an amazing place to work. I’m happy to be a part of the IECHS family and look forward to an exciting school year! I am walking in my purpose and I love it!