
Phone: 281 577-8820


Degrees and Certifications:

Luissana Davis

This year I am honored to be your Principal at Brookwood Forest Elementary. I’m here to facilitate a positive, fun-filled, and successful experience for our Brookwood Forest  Elementary students, staff, families, and community members.

Assistant Principal

Phone: (281) 577-8820


Degrees and Certifications:

Deborah Badeaux

Hello BFES Bears! My name is Deborah Badeaux and I am extremely excited to be here this year. This year marks my 16th year in Education. I have spent 12 years as a classroom teacher, and 3 years as an Instructional Coach, and this will be my 2nd year as an Assistant Principal. I have been married for 17 years and have 1 daughter. I also have 2 dogs, 1 Rat, 1 snake, and fish. My favorite things to do are to read and craft. Again, I am excited about this year and can’t wait to meet you all! --

Assistant Principal

Phone: 281 577-8820


Degrees and Certifications:

Je'Mia Roberson

Greetings Brookwood Forest 精选麻豆二区 & Scholars, 
I am elated to serve as your Assistant Principal here at Brookwood Forest Elementary. I'm eager to foster relationships with you as we partner together to enhance the instructional outcomes of our Brookwood Forest Bears. This is going to be a magical experience as we continue on our journey towards excellence